I Forgot My Coffee This Morning

Do you know I live right across the street from the building where I work? Talk about unusual, particularly in Atlanta where we have multiple highways 10 lanes wide that are full of cars 24/7. Where are all those people going and why aren’t they already there by 10am? Or at 3pm? Sometimes my car doesn’t move from its parking spot for a week or more. There’s a risk it could get a green sticker applied to it by the HOA warning me that derelict cars are not permitted on the property.

“Don’t pitch a fit – I’m reducing carbon emissions!”

This morning the brilliance of my living arrangement rose to the forefront of my awareness, so I composed the following short list of why this was one of the best decisions I’ve made.

  1. I walk to work. It’s 400 steps door to door. That’s a 3 minute commute with no traffic, freeways, or stop lights. I get to play chicken with drivers since many find it too difficult to signal whether they are turning, and none of them will yield to a pedestrian. When my 80 year old father visits, he likes to walk me to work. Would you believe cars actually stop to let him and me cross? Must be a grey-hair super power.
  2. I go home for lunch. Bringing lunch to work and eating at my desk had been a longtime habit. Early in my career, I did it for perceived productivity enhancement and cost saving reasons. For a long time I was oblivious to the personal welfare cost being exacted. Taking a break from the office and getting outside, plus the special bonus of spending time with my husband since he works from home, are so enriching for my mind and heart.
  3. I no longer have to plan my afternoon commute around the Atlanta Braves’ home game schedule. SunTrust Park, where they now play, is about a mile away, between the office and our previous home. When I lived in Smyrna, I made sure to get out of the office mid-afternoon on any day the Braves were in town, otherwise my 20 minute drive could increase exponentially. Now, if I need to work past five, there’s no added stress. I simply stroll home the same as any other day (after I manage to get across the road.)
  4. If I forget to bring my coffee with me (like I did today,) I can easily go back and get it. The free coffee in our office is a nice perk (see what I did there?) but it tastes awful. A few years ago I switched from a travel mug that essentially was a french press to a totally leak-proof tumbler and a Body Brew system https://bodybrew.com/. Using Isagenix coffee, the system easily creates an amazing cold brew elixir that pleases my palate. I drink it iced most of the year, but it heats up well for those cold December mornings. Returning home to retrieve it was definitely worth an extra 800 steps.
Mine is magenta

How long was your commute this morning? Did you drink all your coffee before you got to work? It’s 10:30 and I’m still nursing mine. Life is good.

Where is everyone going?

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